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Java question - How can the code below be modified to accept multi digit input. String...

Java question - How can the code below be modified to accept multi digit input.

String e = "1+9+8";
int r = e.charAt(0)-'0';
for (int i = 1; i < e.length(); i+=2){
if (e.charAt(i) == '+'){
r += e.charAt(i+1)-'0';
r -= e.charAt(i+1)-'0';

The only built in String methods that can be used are lowercase(), length(), and charAt(). Arrays and parseInt() cannot be used.

So we want to know how we can get an answer if a string such as "123+45+678-...." is entered.


Expert Solution

Modified java code :

public class MultiDigitInput {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
       // string
       String e = "123+45+678-46";
       // res store the result of string
       int res = 0;
       // r store the numeric value of whole numerical term
       int r ;
       for (int i = 0; i < e.length(); ){
           r = 0;
           if (e.charAt(i) == '+'){
               // this loop will calculate the whole numerical term
               while(i < e.length() && e.charAt(i) != '+' && e.charAt(i) !='-' )
                   // every time add unit term after multiplying by 10
                   r = r*10 + e.charAt(i)-'0';
               res += r;
           else if (e.charAt(i) == '-'){
               while(i < e.length() && e.charAt(i) != '+' && e.charAt(i) !='-')
                   r = r*10 + e.charAt(i)-'0';
               res -= r;
           // this will calculate the first term
           else {
               while(i < e.length() && e.charAt(i) != '+' && e.charAt(i) !='-')
                   r = r*10 + e.charAt(i)-'0';
               res += r;



Image for clear view :

output :


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