
In: Operations Management

9. The Speedy Auto Service Center can buy auto parts from Southeast Auto Supply at a...

9. The Speedy Auto Service Center can buy auto parts from Southeast Auto Supply at a series discount of 30/20/5 and from Northwest Auto Supply for 25/20/15.

a. Which auto parts supplier offers a better deal to Speedy?

b. If Speedy orders $23,000 in parts at list price per month, how much will they save in a month by choosing the lower-priced supplier (versus the alternative)?


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Single Equivalent Discount = 1- Net Price Value

By subtracting each discount from 100% and multiplying them all together in decimal form will yield Net Price Value

Southeast Auto Supply

Net Price Value = (100% - 30%) *(100%-20%) *(100%-5%) = (0.70*0.80*0.95) = 0.532

Single equivalent discount = 1- 0.532 = 0.468

Northwest Auto Supply

Net price value = (100% - 25%) *(100%-20%) *(100%-15%) = (0.75*0.80*0.85) = 0.51

Single equivalent discount = 1- 0.51 = 0.49

Northwest Auto Supply offers a better deal to Speedy Auto Service as Single equivalent discount is higher.


Southeast Auto Supply total price =   Net price value * list price= 0.532 * 23000 = 12236

Northwest Auto Supply total price = Net price value * list price= 0.51 * 23000 = 11730

Savings = 12236 - 11730 = $506 per month

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