
In: Computer Science

IN C++ PLEASE Requirements Write a program that takes in user input of two integer numbers...



Write a program that takes in user input of two integer numbers for height and width and uses a nested for loop to make a rectangle out of asterixes. The creation of the rectangle (i.e. the nested for loop) should occur in a void function that takes in 2 parameters, one for height and one for width. Make sure your couts match the sample output (copy and paste from those couts so you don't make a simple error). The Pre and Post condition should be a comment above the prototype; it should specify invalid input (there is no requirement for output on invalid input and it is not tested).


-void function prototype, pre post comment, and definition matching prototype, and function called correctly 3 pts

-user input prompted and input accepted 2 pts

-correct bounds on the nested for loop 2 pts

-correct output 3 pts

Sample output (output in bold, input in nonbold):

What height do you want your rectangle?


What width do you want your rectangle?







What height do you want your rectangle?


What width do you want your rectangle?





What height do you want your rectangle?


What width do you want your rectangle?








What height do you want your rectangle?


What width do you want your rectangle?













Expert Solution

/*program that creates a rectangle using asterixes(*) of the

size as input from the user*/


using namespace std;

/*function prototype or function declaration

two parameters are passed height and width which are of

integer type and the return type of the function is void*/

void rectangle(int ,int ); //function declaration

int main()


//declration of two variables which will be passed as parameter

int height,width;

cout<<"What height do you want your rectangle?"<<endl;

//taking user input for the height of rectangle required


cout<<"What width do you want your rectangle?"<<endl;

//taking user input for the width of rectangle required


//function call two parameters height and width is passed


return 0;


/*function defination

pre and post comments if the parameters passed to the function

is not of the type integer than the input will be considered as

a invalid input like the passed parameter shoul not be of type

float or char or double it must be of type integer

the function will behave properly if the passed parameter is

of type integer else not*/

//in these function height and width is passes as paramter

//which is type int and return type of funcion is void

void rectangle(int h,int w)


//outer loop will extecute till i is less than height

for(int i=0;i<h;i++)


//this loop will execute till j is less than width

for(int j=0;j<w;j++)







//If have any doubt please ask through comments.

//Please give a review if your doubt was cleared.Thank You.

//Thank you.

//Screen Shots


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