
In: Operations Management

Austraila: Explain its national flag what do its colors and any symbols represent? Identify neighbors with...

Austraila: Explain its national flag what do its colors and any symbols represent? Identify neighbors with which it shares borders. Give some important facts about the country, including its population, population density, land area, topography, climate, natural resources, and the locations of main industries. What does the nation produce?


Expert Solution

Overview of Australia

National flag and what does its colors and symbols represent:

The Australian National Flag was flown in 1901. It enjoys the reputation of Australia's foremost national symbol and is associated with the national pride of Australia.

The Australian Flag enjoys three which are in the blue background: the Union Jack, the Commonwealth Star, and the Southern Cross. The Union Jack in the upper left corner is reminiscent of British Settlement. Commonwealth Star or what is also called Federation star offers seven points reminding of the unity of the six states and the territories within the Commonwealth of Australia. Then the Southern Cross is in white color. It is a sum total of five stars forming constellation reminding us of Australia's geography which can only be seen from the southern hemisphere.

Neighboring countries with which she shares borders :

Australia does not share borders with any nation thanks to its unique geographical positions but it does share maritime borders with the following countries:

  1. Indonesia
  2. Timor-Leste
  3. Papua New Guinea
  4. Solomon Islands
  5. New Zealand
  6. New Caledonia
  7. Vanuatu

Facts about Australia:

Official Name: Commonwealth of Australia.

Capital: Canberra

Population: 25,693,100 as per the 2020 census and Population density of 3.3/km2 (8.5/sq mi) which makes it rank on 192th in the population density.

Land Area: 7,692,024 km2 (2,969,907 sq mi)

Topography:  a low, sandy eastern coastal plain; the central plains, the eastern highlands, the western plateau.

Climate; Periodic Drought and periodic cyclones because of seasonal tropical low pressure which is responsible to make rain vary from year to year. The northern part enjoys summer-rainfall season while Southwest has a Medternian climate.

Natural Resources:  Bauxite, Coal, Copper, Crude Oil, Gold, Diamond, precious metals, Uranium, Forests, Iron ore.

Locations of main industries:

New South Wales is the manufacturing hub in Australia. New South Wales has more than 65% of all Country's Industry sector, and that is a sum total of 600 companies.

What does Australia mainly Produce:

  • Fruits and grains.
  • Diamonds, Gems, and precious metals.
  • Meat.
  • Pharmaceuticals
  • Cereals
  • Inorganic chemicals
  • Computers.

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