In: Nursing
Imagine you, a Certified Health Education Specialist (CHES) has been hired as the program director of a new after school program called "Get Healthy". "Get Healthy" is focused on educating the importance of increasing physical activity among elementary children as well as educating the importance of consuming a healthy diet. You are required to develop the program's mission statement, program goals, and program objectives before the program begins.
1) Provide 1 program mission statement for the"Get Healthy" program
2) Provide 3 program goals for the "Get Healthy" program or Get Healthy program participants. Identify an activity that meets each goal. Explain how the selected item relates to the goal.
3) Provide 3 program objectives for "Get Healthy" or Get Healthy program participants ( they can consist of behavioral, process, outcome, summative objectives but they must be written SMART format ( Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Time). Please review how to write SMART objectives before completing this assignment.
Mission statement
To empower,inspire and educate the children to enhance and maintain their overall health through healthy physical activities and balanced diet.
Goals for the Get Healthy Programme
1-Maintain a cheerful positive outlook on life
2-Achieve a healthy weight
3-Strengthens immune system
Selected activity for the children is Aerobic exercise
Aerobics helps to reduce stress,anxiety and symptoms of depression.So that we can maintain a positive and cheerful outlook on also helps to regulate weight by building strong muscles and bones.Like other exercises aerobics boosts our immune system also.
Objectives of the programme
Specific goal is GET HEALTHY
Start eating healthy diet.Minimum three healthy meals in a day.Avoid junk foods.Drink at least eight glasses of water in a day.
Exercise pattern-45-60 minutes of exercise daily and at least 6 days per week.
Periodic weight and height monitoring will help to understand the improvement of health status.