
In: Computer Science

In java the parts listed as todo in linkedsetwithlinkedbad Implement all the methods defined as skeletons...

In java the parts listed as todo in linkedsetwithlinkedbad

Implement all the methods defined as skeletons in the LinkedSetWithLinkedBag class. The class implements the SetInterface (described in Segment 1.21 of chapter 1). It utilizes LinkedBag as defined in the UML diagram below: the instance variable setOfEntries is to be an object of LinkedBag. Test your class with the test cases provided in main. Do not make any changes to provided classes other than LinkedSetWithLinkedBag.

Similar to Lab02, most of the methods can be implemented by simply calling appropriate methods from the LinkedBag, for example the clear method would be implemented as:
                public void clear()
Ensure that the add method does not allow duplicates and null entries.
public class LinkedSetWithLinkedBag<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements SetInterface<T>
    private LinkedBag setOfEntries;

     * Creates a set from a new, empty linked bag.
    public LinkedSetWithLinkedBag()
        this.setOfEntries = new LinkedBag<>();
        //TODO Project1
    } // end default constructor

    public boolean add(T newEntry)

        //TODO Project1

        return false; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end add

    public T[] toArray()
        //TODO Project1
        return null; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end toArray

    public boolean isEmpty()
        //TODO Project1
        return false; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end isEmpty

    public boolean contains(T anEntry)
        //TODO Project1
        return false; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end contains

    public void clear()
        //TODO Project1
    } // end clear

    public T remove()
        //TODO Project1
        return null; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end remove

    public boolean removeElement(T anEntry)
        //TODO Project1
        return false; //THIS IS A STUB
    } // end remove

    // Displays a set.
    public void displaySet()
        //TODO Project1
    } // end displaySet
public class LinkedBag
    private Node firstNode;       // reference to first node

    public LinkedBag()
        this.firstNode = null;
    } // end default constructor

     * Adds a new entry to this bag.
     * @param newEntry the object to be added as a new entry
     * @return true
    public boolean add(T newEntry) // OutOfMemoryError possible
        // add to beginning of chain:
        Node newNode = new Node<>(newEntry); = this.firstNode;  // make new node reference rest of chain
                                        // (firstNode is null if chain is empty)
        this.firstNode = newNode;       // new node is at beginning of chain

        return true;
    } // end add

     * Retrieves all entries that are in this bag.
     * @return a newly allocated array of all the entries in the bag
    public T[] toArray()
        // the cast is safe because the new array contains null entries
        int counter = 0;
        Node currentNode = this.firstNode;
        while (currentNode != null)
            currentNode =;

        T[] result = (T[]) new Comparable[counter]; // unchecked cast

        int index = 0;
        currentNode = this.firstNode;
        while ((index < result.length) && (currentNode != null))
            result[index] =;
            currentNode =;
        return result;
    } // end toArray

     * Sees whether this bag is empty.
     * @return true if the bag is empty, or false if not
    public boolean isEmpty()
        return this.firstNode == null;
    } // end isEmpty

     * Gets the number of entries currently in this bag.
     * @return the integer number of entries currently in the bag
    public int getCurrentSize()
        throw new UnsupportedOperationException();
    } // end getCurrentSize

     * Counts the number of times a given entry appears in this bag.
     * @param anEntry the entry to be counted
     * @return the number of times anEntry appears in the bag
    public int getFrequencyOf(T anEntry)
        int frequency = 0;
        Node currentNode = this.firstNode;
        while (currentNode != null)
            if (anEntry.equals(
            currentNode =;

        return frequency;
    } // end getFrequencyOf

     * Tests whether this bag contains a given entry.
     * @param anEntry the entry to locate
     * @return true if the bag contains anEntry, or false otherwise
    public boolean contains(T anEntry)
        return getReferenceTo(anEntry) != null;
    } // end contains

    // Locates a given entry within this bag.
    // Returns a reference to the node containing the entry, if located,
    // or null otherwise.
    private Node getReferenceTo(T anEntry)
        boolean found = false;
        Node currentNode = this.firstNode;

        while (!found && (currentNode != null))
            if (anEntry.equals(
                found = true;
                currentNode =;

        return currentNode;
    } // end getReferenceTo

     * Removes all entries from this bag.
    public void clear()
        while (!isEmpty())
    } // end clear

     * Removes one unspecified entry from this bag, if possible.
     * @return either the removed entry, if the removal
     * was successful, or null
    public T remove()
        T result = null;
        if (this.firstNode != null)
            result =;
            this.firstNode =; // remove first node from chain

        return result;
    } // end remove

     * Removes one occurrence of a given entry from this bag, if possible.
     * @param anElement the entry to be removed
     * @return true if the removal was successful, or false otherwise
    public boolean removeElement(T anElement)
        boolean result = false;
        Node nodeN = getReferenceTo(anElement);

        if (nodeN != null)
   =; // replace located entry with entry in first node
            this.firstNode =; // remove first node from chain
            result = true;

        return result;
    } // end remove

    private class Node
        private S data; // entry in bag
        private Node next; // link to next node

        private Node(S dataPortion)
            this(dataPortion, null);
        } // end constructor

        private Node(S dataPortion, Node nextNode)
   = dataPortion;
   = nextNode;
    } // end Node
} // end LinkedBag


Expert Solution

Written all the functions, Make Sure you have Node and LinkedBag in your package otherwise code wont compile

public class LinkedSetWithLinkedBag<T extends Comparable<? super T>> implements SetInterface<T>


private LinkedBag setOfEntries;


   * Creates a set from a new, empty linked bag.


public LinkedSetWithLinkedBag()


this.setOfEntries = new LinkedBag<>();

} // end default constructor

public boolean add(T newEntry)



if(newEntry == null)

return false;



return false;


return this.setOfEntries.add(newEntry);

} // end add

public T[] toArray()


return this.setOfEntries.toArray();

} // end toArray

public boolean isEmpty()


return this.setOfEntries.isEmpty();

} // end isEmpty

public boolean contains(T anEntry)


return this.setOfEntries.contains(anEntry);

} // end contains

public void clear()



} // end clear

public T remove()


return this.setOfEntries.remove();

} // end remove

public boolean removeElement(T anEntry)


return this.setOfEntries.removeElement(anEntry);

} // end remove

// Displays a set.

public void displaySet()


Node currentNode = this.setOfEntries.firstNode;

while (currentNode != null)


System.out.print( + " ");

currentNode =;



} // end displaySet


Thanks, PLEASE COMMENT if there is any concern.

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