
In: Computer Science

Modify programming problem 4 from Assignment 2. You will create a number of threads—for example, 100—and...

Modify programming problem 4 from Assignment 2. You will create a number of threads—for example, 100—and each thread will request a pid, sleep for a random period of time, and then release the pid. (Sleeping for a random period of time approximates the typical pid usage in which a pid is assigned to a new process, the process executes and then terminates, and the pid is released on the process's termination.) On UNIX and Linux systems, sleeping is accomplished through the sleep() COMP2004 Assignment 3 & Assignment 4 Fall 2020 function, which is passed an integer value representing the number of seconds to sleep.


#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <math.h>

#define MIN_PID 300
#define MAX_PID 5000

typedef struct node {
int pid;
struct node* next;

int allocate_map(void);
int allocate_pid(void);
void release_pid(int pid);
int i;
Node *head;
main function tests all three functions
int main(){
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());
printf("allocated pid: %d\n",allocate_pid());


int allocate_map(void){
return -1;
head = malloc(sizeof(Node));
Node *curr = head;
curr->pid = 0;
curr->next = (i<(MAX_PID-MIN_PID)) ? malloc(sizeof(Node)):NULL;
curr = curr->next;

return 1;
int allocate_pid(void){
if(head->next == NULL){
return -1;

int i = MIN_PID +1 ;

Node *iter = head;
if(head->pid == 0){
head->pid = MIN_PID;
return head->pid;
while(iter ->next->pid !=0 && i<MAX_PID){
iter = iter->next;
if(i<MAX_PID ){

iter->next->pid = i;
return iter->next->pid;
else{return -1;}

void release_pid(int pid){
if(head->next == NULL && head->pid==0){
printf("Nothing to release\n");
else if(pid<MIN_PID || pid>MAX_PID){
printf("invalid release\n");
Node *iter = head;
while(iter->next !=NULL){
iter = iter->next;
printf("Nothing to release\n");


Expert Solution

*****make sure you  are running it on linux machine 
compile as >gcc pid.c -o pid -lpthread
run as     >./pid
#define MIN_PID 300
#define MAX_PID 5000
#define NUM_THREADS 100
#define YES 0
#define NO 1
sem_t SEM;

struct PidTable{
        int PID;
        int isAvailable;

int allocate_map(){
        int i;
        pId=(struct PidTable *)calloc((MAX_PID-MIN_PID+1),sizeof(struct PidTable));
                return -1;
        for( i=1;i<MAX_PID-MIN_PID+1;i++){
        return 1;
int allocate_pid(){
   int i ;
   for( i=0;i<MAX_PID-MIN_PID+1;i++){
                        return pId[i].PID;
        return -1;
void release_pid(int pid){

void *processStart(void *id){
        //long tid=(long)id;
        int pid,executionTime;
                //printf("Thread %ld  runnning....\n",tid);
                printf("New Process Allocated Pid= %d \n",pid);
                printf("Process %d releasing pid \n",pid);
int main(){
  void *status;int i;
  int ret=0;pthread_t thread[100];
        ret=pthread_create(&thread[i],NULL,processStart,(void *)(i+1));
        if(ret){printf("Error creating thread\n");exit(1);}
  for(i=0; i<NUM_THREADS; i++) {
      ret = pthread_join(thread[i], &status);
      if (ret) {
         printf("ERROR; return code from pthread_join() is %d\n", ret);
  return 0;

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