
In: Physics

When a golf ball or basketball is dropped to the pavement, it bounces backup. (i) Is...

When a golf ball or basketball is dropped to the pavement, it bounces backup. (i) Is a force needed to make it bounce back up? (ii) if so, what exerts the force?

(b) Whiplash sometimes results from an automobile accident when the victim


Expert Solution


The ball acts like a spring. It gets compressed when it hits the ground. Then it decompressess and pushes on the ground to make it go in the air again.


remember that there must be an equal opposing force for everything... think about when you stop really fast at a red light, your body will move forward to oppose the opposing force in the other direction... although it doesn't feel like you're moving while you're in the car, you ARE moving because you're in the car, so if you're moving one way and then force that is moving stops moving, YOU are still moving, so you keep moving.. just because the car stopped doesn't mean you stop too right away. Only in the case of being hit from the rear, an strong sudden external force is applied on the car moving it forward, so your head SEEMS to move back but in reality, it isn't.. your head is trying to stay at the same speed it was going before... so NO, it isn't really being thrown backward.

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