
In: Computer Science

A college must track equipment items purchased using special funds. Create an Inventory class that represents...

A college must track equipment items purchased using special funds.

Create an Inventory class that represents an equipment item. An equipment item consists of an 8-alphanumeric inventory number, a short description of the item, the purchase price of the item, and its current location (e.g.: room/building location). If an item is surplussed (e.g., gotten rid of), then the current location should say surplus, but the item should remain on the list.

Write a program that reads inventory items from a file into a vector. Implement a menu system that allows the user to add, edit, and delete records from the list as well as search the list based on inventory number and print a report of all records.
The list should always be maintained in order of inventory number. When the program closes, the data file should be overwritten with the most recent data from the list.

Implement one of the sorting and searching algorithms from the chapter. Do not use the built-in sort function.

Be sure to use the same menu options as shown in the example so the auto-grader can accurately grade your assignment.


1 - Add
2 - Edit
3 - Delete
4 - Search
5 - Print All
6 - Exit
Choice: 2

Enter inventory number to edit: 12-2322-12
Curent Values
12-2322-12 Printer 800.00 PW-590

1 - Inventory Number
2 - Description
3 - Price
4 - Location
5 - Done
Choice: 3
Enter new price: 820.00
1 - Inventory Number
2 - Description
3 - Price
4 - Location
5 - Done
Choice: 1
Enter new Inventory Number: 12-AB-3333
Invalid inventory number.
1 - Inventory Number
2 - Description
3 - Price
4 - Location
5 - Done
Choice: 5
1 - Add
2 - Edit
3 - Delete
4 - Search
5 - Print All
6 - Exit
Choice: 5

12-1194-94 Switch 417.00 TR-123
12-1232-35 Monitor 300.00 Surplus
12-1384-91 MicroPlus 1200.00 Surplus
12-2322-12 Printer 820.00 PW-590
12-3245-21 Test 120.00 Surplus
14-4343-41 Cabinet 175.00 AW-212
14-4992-22 Bookshelf 375.00 BN-100
14-8383-12 Chair 70.00 BN-100
14-9842-85 Desk 283.00 BN-100
14-9923-95 Typewriter 120.00 Surplus

1 - Add
2 - Edit
3 - Delete
4 - Search
5 - Print All
6 - Exit
Choice: 6

Need the answer in C++ and always need a .cpp file, .h file, and driver file


Expert Solution

Working code implemented in C++ and appropriate comments provided for better understanding.

Here I am attaching code for these files:

  • main.cpp
  • Inventory.cpp
  • Inventory.h


#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include "Inventory.h"
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main() {
   string partNumber, name, location;
   double price;
   bool stop = false, recordFound;
   int selection, recordNumber;

   vector<Inventory> partList;
   ifstream inputFile;"items.txt");

   if (!inputFile) {
       cerr << "Unable to open file items.txt";
       exit(1); // call system to stop

   while(inputFile) {
       inputFile >> partNumber;
       inputFile >> name;
       inputFile >> price;
       inputFile >> location;
       partList.push_back(Inventory(partNumber, name, price, location));
   cout << "\n\t***********************\n\t** Current Inventory **\n\t***********************\n";
   for (int i = 0; i < partList.size(); i++) {
       cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Record Number: " << i + 1 << setw(8) << left << " " << setw(12) << left << partList[i].getPartNumber() << " " << setw(12) << left <<
           partList[i].getName() << " " << setw(12) << left << partList[i].getPrice() << " " << partList[i].getLocation() << endl;
   while (!stop) {
       cout << "\n\nWhat action would you like to perform?\n 1. Add\n 2. Edit\n 3. Delete\n 4. Search\n 5. Print all\n 6. Exit\n";
       cin >> selection;
       switch (selection) {
           case 1: //add a record
               cout << "You've selected to add a record..\nPlease enter the inventory number: ";
               cin >> partNumber;
               cout << "Please enter the name of the item (as one word): ";
               cin >> name;
               cout << "Please enter the cost of the item: ";
               cin >> price;
               cout << "Please enter the location of the item: ";
               cin >> location;
               cout << "\n*Confirm addition of record: " << partNumber << " " << name << " " << price << " " << location << endl << "Press 1 to add\nPress 0 to cancel";
               cin >> selection;
               if (selection == 1) {
                   partList.push_back(Inventory(partNumber, name, price, location));
               else {
                   cout << "\nRecord was not added.";
           case 2: //edit a record
               cout << "\nYou've selected to edit a record..\nSelect the number of Inventory Number record you would like to edit: ";
               cin >> recordNumber;
               cout << "You've selected record number: " << recordNumber;
               cout << "\n1. Inventory Number \n2. Description \n3. Price \n4. Location\n5. Done \n";
               cin >> selection;
               if (selection == 1) {
                   cout << "Please enter the new inventory number: ";
                   cin >> partNumber;
                   partList[recordNumber - 1].setPartNumber(partNumber);
               else if (selection == 2) {
                   cout << "Please enter the new item name: ";
                   cin >> name;
                   partList[recordNumber - 1].setName(name);
               else if (selection == 3) {
                   cout << "Please enter the new item price: ";
                   cin >> price;
                   partList[recordNumber - 1].setPrice(price);
               else if (selection == 4) {
                   cout << "Please enter the new item location: ";
                   cin >> location;
                   partList[recordNumber - 1].setLocation(location);
           else if(selection == 5)
           case 3: //remove a record
               cout << "\nYou've selected to delete a record..\nSelect the number of the record you would like to delete: ";
               cin >> recordNumber;
               cout << "\nYou've selected: ";
               cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Record Number: " << recordNumber << " " << partList[recordNumber - 1].getPartNumber() << " " <<
                   partList[recordNumber - 1].getName() << " " << partList[recordNumber - 1].getPrice() << " " << partList[recordNumber - 1].getLocation() << endl;
               cout << "\nConfirm Deletion\nPress 1 for yes\nPress 0 for no\n";
               cin >> selection;
               if (selection == 1) {
                   partList.erase(partList.begin() + recordNumber - 1);
               else {
                   cout << "Deletion canceled\n";
           case 4: //search a record
               cout << "You've selected to search for a record..\nPlease enter the inventory of the record using the format (XX-XXXX-XX): ";
               cin >> partNumber;
               recordFound = false;
               for (int i = 0; i < partList.size(); i++) {
                   if (partList[i].getPartNumber() == partNumber) {
                       cout << "This record exists: \n" << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Record Number: " << i + 1 << " " << partList[i].getPartNumber() << " " <<
                           partList[i].getName() << " " << partList[i].getPrice() << " " << partList[i].getLocation() << endl;
                       recordFound = true;
                   if (recordFound == false && (i + 1) == partList.size()) {
                       cout << "\nThere was no record for this inventory number";
           case 5: //print all records
               cout << "\n\t***********************\n\t** Current Inventory **\n\t***********************\n";
               for (int i = 0; i < partList.size(); i++) {
                   cout << fixed << setprecision(2) << "Record Number: " << i + 1 << setw(8) << left << " " << setw(12) << left << partList[i].getPartNumber() << " " << setw(12) << left <<
                       partList[i].getName() << " " << setw(12) << left << partList[i].getPrice() << " " << partList[i].getLocation() << endl;
           case 6: //save and quit
               ofstream outFile("items.txt");
               for (int i = 0; i < partList.size(); i++) {
                   outFile << partList[i].getPartNumber() << " ";
                   outFile << partList[i].getName() << " ";
                   outFile << fixed << setprecision(2) << partList[i].getPrice() << " ";
                   outFile << partList[i].getLocation() << endl;
               stop = true;

   return 0;


#include "Inventory.h"

Inventory::Inventory() {
   setPartNumber("00 - 0000 - 00");

Inventory::Inventory(string partNum, string name, double price, string location) {

void Inventory::setPartNumber(string partNum) {
   partNumber = partNum;

void Inventory::setName(string nameOfItem) {
   name = nameOfItem;

void Inventory::setLocation(string loc) {
   location = loc;

void Inventory::setPrice(double priceOfItem) {
   price = priceOfItem;

string Inventory::getPartNumber() {
   return partNumber;

string Inventory::getName() {
   return name;

string Inventory::getLocation() {
   return location;

double Inventory::getPrice() {
   return price;


#ifndef Inventory_H
#define Inventory_H

#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Inventory {
   string partNumber;
   string name;
   string location;
   double price;
   Inventory(string partNumber, string name, double price, string location);
   void setPartNumber(string);
   void setName(string);
   void setLocation(string);
   void setPrice(double);
   string getPartNumber();
   string getName();
   string getLocation();
   double getPrice();

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