
In: Psychology

True or False: Terrorism, or acts of violence by non-state actors, is distinguished from criminal acts...

True or False:

Terrorism, or acts of violence by non-state actors, is distinguished from criminal acts on the basis of the purpose for which violence is carried out. In the case of terrorism, the purpose is making political changes.

According to a cultural explanation of terrorism, in an attempt to preserve their threatened identity and values, groups actively distinguish themselves from despised “others.” At the local level, the cultural friction may translate into conflicts divided along religious or ethnic lines that aim to safeguard identity.

Globalization has been an effective deterrent against terrorism. The processes of globalization prevent terrorist organizations from acquiring, manufacturing, and using weapons of mass destruction.

Liberal perspectives in the international political economy (IPE) contends that the global political economy is being shaped by competition among states, who seek to maximize their power and security.

Maintenance of fiscal discipline, trade liberalization, deregulation of the economy, etc. are examples of the set of policy prescriptions of the Washington Consensus promoted by the United States in developing countries.

The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT) was transformed into the International Monetary Fund (IMF) in 1995. The IMF is responsible for managing international trade.

The most favored nation principle has been a bedrock of international trade negotiations. The principle holds that any preferential trading agreement reached with one country should be extended to other countries.

The theory of comparative advantage argues that all countries stand to benefit by specializing in the production of goods to which they are relatively most suited and then trading their surplus production with one another.

In an attrition strategy (of terrorism), Terrorists try to convince the population that the terrorists are strong enough to punish disobedience and that the government is too weak to stop them, so that people behave as the terrorists wish.

Groups engaged in outbidding (a strategy of terrorism) use violence to convince the public that the terrorists have greater resolve to fight the enemy than rival groups, and therefore are worthy of support.

A spoiler strategy of terrorism is an attempt to induce the enemy to respond to terrorism with indiscriminate violence, which radicalizes the population and moves them to support the terrorists.

Terrorists sometimes resort to hostage taking, airline hijacking, and explosions announced in advance are generally intended to use the possibility of harm to bring issues to the attention of the target audience. These actions are referred to as demonstrative terrorism.


Expert Solution

* Answer. True.

The purpose of terrorism is to carry out political change. But, the individuals who carry out terrorist activities belongs to grouo who have extremist ideology and are less in number. Hence, they fail in their purpose to bring a radical political change.

* Answer. True

The terrorism can be culturally as an attempt to preserve the culture identity from the influence of west and materialism.

* Answer. True

The cultural definition of terrorism also explains this concept on the basis of friction that occurs due to difference in values and norms of cultures, or difference in ethinicity or religion at local levels.

* Answer. False

The technological advancements of globalization that are been used by terrorist groups cast a grave danger of catastrophic usage of weapons of mass destruction.

* Answer. False

Liberalism maintains that international relations are necessary for mutual growth and development.

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