
In: Computer Science

Write a batch program that takes and echoes input data one character at a time until...

Write a batch program that takes and echoes input data one character at a time until EOF is encountered and then prints a summary such as

The 14 lines of text processed contained 20 capital letters, 607 lowercase letters, and 32 punctuation marks.

Program: C


Expert Solution

I have solve the problem in C code with comments for easy understanding :)


//c code
#include <stdio.h>
#include <ctype.h>
//main()function declaration
int main(void)
//Local variables
int ch, line,upper,punct,lower;
//Assigning values to variables

//check the condition using for loop
for(ch=getchar(); ch!=EOF; ch=getchar())
//check the condition whether it encountered a
//new line
if(ch =='\n')
//check the condition whether it encountered a
else if(ispunct(ch))
//check the condition whether it encountered a
//lower case letter
else if(islower(ch))
//check the condition whether it encountered a
//upper case letter
else if(isupper(ch))

//Printing the result
printf("\n The %d lines of text processed ",line);
printf("contained %d capital letters,",upper);
printf("%d lowercase letters,\n",lower);
printf("and %d punctuation marks\n",punct);
//return successfully
return 0;


Sample Output:

strings are important in computer, science, strings are the

because many computer, applications, are concerned with the

are concerned with the MANIPULATION, OF TEXTUAl data,string

rather - than numerical, data, rather than numerical data a

computer - based word, processing systems, computer based a

enable - a user to compose letters, enable a user to the is

term paper, newspaper, articles, term paper newspaper strin

and even books at a computer, terminal instead, and even th

of at a typewriter. of at a typewriter string are in the is

storing the text, in the computer’s memory allows, storing

check the spelling, electronically, check the spelling then

move whole paragraphs, move whole paragraphs and then print

and then print a fresh, copy without, mistakes or erasures.

strings, play an important, role in science, as well. and a

The 14 lines of text processed contained 20 capital letters, 607 lowercase letters, and 32 punctuation marks.

----------------PLEASE RATE THE ANSWER-----------THANK YOU!!!!!!!!----------

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