Some of the main problems we are facing now is that production
in the economy has decreased, sales have gone down, unemployement
increased which reduced spending leading to the fall of the
aggregate demand. This has made it difficult for businesses to
- So at this time the Federal Reserves monetary policy will
implement the expansionary monetary policy which
will increase the liquidity in the economy by reducing the interest
rates and bank reserve ratio enabling the banks to lend more
increasing the money supply.
- Expansionary monetary policy which reduces interest rates which
will encourage my firm to borrow more and formulate a strategy to
invest to develop the firm to increase the firms
output. The reduced interest rates will also ecourage people to
invest in financial market rather than saving it and ear lower
interests. This will increase the flow of money in the
- As discussed earlier it will enable my firm to borrow more
money to invest in resources and to create a healthy and safe
atmosphere for people to continue the work to increase the output