
In: Computer Science

In Java Script how do you code an array with the values and suits of cards...

In Java Script how do you code an array with the values and suits of cards (all 52 cards in a deck) 2 different array one that just has the face values of the card, and the other with the suit value. Then have it randomly give you 1-2 cards from the deck without repeating? (Example: Dealer gives player two cards. Player asks for a hit and the dealer gives a different card, no repeats). Game is Blackjack.


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            var suits = ["Diamonds", "Hearts", "Clubs", "Spades"];
            var ranks = ["A", "2", "3", "4", "5", "6", "7", "8", "9", "10", "J", "Q", "K"];
            var deck = new Array();
            var hand = new Array();
            var score = 0;

            function initCard(rank, suit) {
                // Function to create and return a card using the provided rank and suit

                if ((ranks[rank] == "J") || (ranks[rank] == "Q") || (ranks[rank] == "K"))
                    value = 10;     // In blackjack, Face cards has value 10
                else if (ranks[rank] == "A")
                    value = 11;     // In blackjack, Ace card has value 11
                    value = parseInt(ranks[rank]);

                return { Rank: ranks[rank], Suit: suits[suit], Value: value};
            function initDeck() {
                // Funtion to create a deck of 52 cards.

                deck = new Array();

                for (var suit = 0; suit < 4; suit++) {
                    for (var rank = 0; rank < 13; rank++) {
                        var card = initCard(rank, suit)

            function shuffle() {
                // Function to shuffle the deck. 
                // Changing position of 2 cards randomly for 100 times.

                for (var i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
                    var pos1 = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);
                    var pos2 = Math.floor(Math.random() * deck.length);

                    var temp = deck[pos1];
                    deck[pos1] = deck[pos2];
                    deck[pos2] = temp;    


            function dealCard() {
                // Function to deal a card into the hand.
                // A card dealt is removed from the deck so, repeating is not possible.
                var card = deck.pop();
                score += card.Value;
                return score;

            function startGame() {
                // Execution starts from here
                // Initializing the deck of cards.

                // Shuffle

                // Dealing 2 cards like in blackjack.

                console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(deck)));    // Print the deck of cards after dealing of 2 cards
                console.log(JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(hand)));    // Showing the cards in hand
                console.log(score);                               // Showing the score,
                // JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(obj)) is used to print the value at the time of console.log() is called.
                // If not used then console.log() will print the most recent values of the object.

                // Hit
                while ( score < 21 )     // According to blackjack 


            startGame();    // Calling the start game function to start the game.
                            // Outputs can be seen in Inspect > Console.



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