
In: Biology

MATCH ________ membrane with embedded photosynthetic pigment A. fluorescence ________ reemit as longer wavelength                       &nbs


________ membrane with embedded photosynthetic pigment A. fluorescence

________ reemit as longer wavelength                                                   b. chlorophyll a

________ all photosynthetic green organisms                                         c. chlorophyll a

________ reaction center                                                                       d. first law

________ best wavelengths for driving chemical reactions                      e. thylakoid

________ relationship between wavelength and energy                           f. O2

________ entropy increases while free energy decreases                         g. second law

________ You shall have no other Gods before me                                 h. granna

________ photolysis of H2O                                                                   i. action spectrum

________ light dependent reactions                                                        j. inverse


Expert Solution

1.e.Thylakoid -membrane with embedded photosynthetic pigment.

Thylakoid membrane is the site of the light reactions .Pigments such as chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b,carotenoids etc. are embedded in thylakoid membrane.

2.a.Fluorescence- reemit as longer wavelength.

When electrons move from excited state to ground state energy will be lost .So fluorescence has a longer wavelength and lower energy.

3.b.Chlorophyll a-all photosynthetic green organisms.

Chlorophyll a is widely distributed in green plants and is called universal photosynthetic pigment. It directly convert light energy into chemical energy.

4.c.Chlorophyll a -reaction center.

Within reaction centers of both photosystem II and photosystem I,a pair of chlorophyll a are present.

5.i.Action spectrum-best wavelengths for driving chemical reactions.

Action spectrum is a graph show which wavelength of light is most effective in photosynthesis. Red and blue wavelength are most effective in green plants.

6.j.Inverse -relationship between wavelength and energy.

When energy increases the wavelength decreases.

7.g.Second law -entropy increases while free energy decreases.

Second Law of thermodynamics states that the entropy of any isolated system always increases.

8.d.First law-You shall have no other Gods before me.

. First law of thermodynamics or law of conservation of energy states that energy can neither be created nor destroyed, Energy can only be transferred from one form to another.

9.f.O2 -photolysis of H2O.

Protons electrons and oxygen are released during photolysis of water.

10.h.Granna -light dependent reactions.

Light dependent reaction occurs in the grana of the chloroplast.

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