
In: Computer Science

Create a file named Good1 nano Good1 Type Welcome in the file and save it. What...

  1. Create a file named Good1

nano Good1

Type Welcome in the file and save it.

  1. What command gives you a long listing of your filenames in the current directory, including permissions attached to each file.
  2. What command would you use to change a file’s permissions to include read, write and execute permission for the owner of the file only.
  3. Explain the following file permissions

   a) 777

         b) 765

         c) 400

         d) 666

         e) 600

         f) 444

  1. Create a shell script named script1 to perform the following task
    1. Print the current date
    2. Print the current working directory
    3. Print the calendar.


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1. Create a file named Good1

use 'touch' command to create a file:: touch Good1

2. Type Welcome in the file and save it.

command to open the file : vi Good1

Steps to write something into the file after opening the file:

a. switch to 'insert' mode by pressing 'i' or 'Insert' key on the keyboard

b. Now write the desired text(here it is the string 'Welcome'

c. Once the writing is done the press 'esc' key , the type colon (ie :), then type 'wq' then press enter key. Now the changes will be saved and the control exits from vi editor.

3.What command gives you a long listing of your filenames in the current directory, including permissions attached to each file.

command to get the lon listing of the items in current direatory is : ls -l .

4. What command would you use to change a file’s permissions to include read, write and execute permission for the owner of the file only.

Command to change the file permission is : chmod

To add read(r),write(w) and execute(x) permission to the owner(u) of the file one can use the command : chmod u+rwx filename

5. Explain the following file permissions

Numeric values for read, write , execute permission ar 4, 2 and 1 respectively

   a) 777  

Here 777 means all users including the owner has full permission on the file. Here 7 means read(4)+write(2)+execute(1) permission

         b) 765

Here 765 means

owner has full permission(4+2+1 = 7) on the file.

Group users has only read(4) and write(2) permissions (ie 4+2 =6)

Others has only read(4) and execute(1) permission (ie 4+1=5)

         c) 400

Here 400 means

owner has full permission only read(4) permision on the file.

Group users has no(0) permissions on the file

Others has no(0) permissions on the file

         d) 666

Here 666 means  

owner has only read(4) and write(2)permision on the file (ie 4+2 =6).

Group users has only read(4) and write(2) permissions (ie 4+2 =6)

Others has only read(4) and write(2) permissions (ie 4+2 =6)

         e) 600

Here 600 means  

owner has only read(4) and write(2)permision on the file (ie 4+2 =6).

Group users has no(0) permissions on the file

Others has no(0) permissions on the file

         f) 444

Here 444 means  

owner has only read(4) permision on the file.

Group users has only read(4) permissions.

Others has only read(4) permissions .

Create a shell script named script1 to perform the following task

  1. Print the current date
  2. Print the current working directory
  3. Print the calendar.
#print current date
echo "Todays date is: `date`"

#Print current working directory
echo "Current working directory is: `pwd`"

#Display calendar
echo "Current calendar is: `cal`"

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