In: Physics
actually in this problem we are ananlysing the problem of body after every 5 min and applying Euler Equation
step size = 5 min =t
According to gven Euler equation here
dT/dt =T/
= -k(T -Ta)
Initial Temperature of cup of tea = Tinitial = 70 oC
Let T1 ,T2 ,T3 ,T4 be the temperature of body after first , 2nd, 3rd and 4th step size
given Ta =20 oC and k = 0.019 min^-1
after first step size of 5 min
t =
T / 5 = - k (
T1 - Ta ) and
[ T1 =
Tinitial -
T1 = 65.66 oC , T 2 = 61.69 oC , T3 = 58.07 oC , T4 = 54. 77 oC