
In: Nursing

Define Addiction. List 5 examples of things that someone can be addicted to that are NOT...

  1. Define Addiction.
  2. List 5 examples of things that someone can be addicted to that are NOT illegal substances.
  3. List in your opinion the top 3 most dangerous risks of marijuana use that have been proven by research?
  4. List 4 physiological responses to smoking that increase disease risk


Expert Solution

a) Addiction is a psychological and physical inability to top consuming a chemical,drug,activity or substance,even though it is causing psychological and physical harm.

b) *Alcohol ;- Alcohol is not as addictive as illegal drugs like heroin or crystal menth,but it's still highly dangerous.

*Nicotine ;-One of the most accessible legal drugs,nicotine is also the most addictive.Whether you smoke cigarettes,cigars or chew tobacco, once you are addicted to nicotine, quitting can be exceedingly difficult.

*Opioids ;-These are pain killers such as vicodine,oxycontin,percocet,and morphinhave quickly created catastrophe in America.Prescriptions for these highly addictive pain relievers, which are basically low-dose heroin.

*Benzodiazepines ;-These are used to treat sever anxiety and panic attacks. They are highly addictive .

*Codeine ;-less analgesia, sedation, and respiratory depression than morphine.

c)Research has found that the use of marijuana can have a negative effect on multipple body system. These effects include;

*Cardiac problems.Marijuana increases the blood clotting , which is turn an increase the risk of heart attack and arrythmias.

*Neurological issues. Smoking marijuana overstimulates the THC receptors in the brain; this can result in a change in sensations or perceptions of one's environment, a change in the perception of time , impaired or slowed thought processes,and impaired muscle movement.It can also lead to psychiatric complications include loss of touch with reality and strong but mistaken beliefs.

*Respiratory problems. Smoke in any form has a negative impact on the heaith of the respiratory system and this includes marijuana smoke. Research has shown that marijuana smoke contains many of the same toxins as tobacco smoke , including some that cause cancer . Research has linked marijuana smoking to increased risk of respiratory infections such as bronchitis and increased coughing and phlegm production.

d) *The effects of tobacco smoke on the respiratory system include ; irritation of the trachia and larynx, reduced lung function and brethlessness due to swelling and narrowing of the lung airways and exess mucus in the lung passages. permanent damage to the air sacs of the lung.risk of lung disease includes COPD,emphysema,lung cancer, etc.

*The effects of smoke on the cardiovascular system, nicotine deregulate cardiac autonomic function,boosts sympathetic activity increases heart rate at rest, while blunting heart rate elevationduring progressive exercise and lowering the maximum hert rate can be achieved.Reduces blood flow from the heart. Reduces the amount of oxygen that reaches the body's tissues.Increasesrisk for blood clots,Risk of lung disease include heart attack

*Smoking contributes to many common disorders of the digestive system,such as heart burn and gastroesophageal reflux disease, peptic ulcer, and some liver disease.Smoking increases the risk of crohn's disease, colon polyps, and pancreatitis and it may increases the risk of gallstones.

*The impact of nicotine on the central nervous system is neuroregulatory in nature, affecting biochemi-cal and physiological functions in a manner that reinforces drug taking behaviour. dose dependent nerotransmitter and neuroendo -crine effects occur as plasma nicotine levels rise when a cigarette is smoke.

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