
In: Computer Science

Complete the following Customer class below. Also, add the equals method that would compare each field....

Complete the following Customer class below. Also, add the equals method that would compare each field.

Please pay attention to the format of the equals method as it needs to have the same format as shown below.

public class Customer {

      private int id; //customer id

      private String name; //customer's name

      private int discount; //discount rate in percent


      //construct a new customer

      public Customer(int id, String name, int discount) {



      //returns the field values

      public int getId () {




      public String name () {




      public int discount () {




      //returns String for customer. Eg: "Mary, id:1111, discount 10%"


      public String toString () {




      public boolean equals (Object other) {

      if (other instanceof some_class) {

             //do casting

             return logical_statement_for_comparison;

      } else {

             return false;




Expert Solution

package assignment1;

public class Customer {

    private int id; //customer id

    private String name; //customer's name

    private int discount; //discount rate in percent

    public Customer(int id, String name, int discount) { = id; = name; = discount;

    //returns the field values

    public int getId() {
        return id;

    public String name() {
        return name;

    public int discount() {
        return discount;

    //returns String for customer. Eg: "Mary, id:1111, discount 10%"

    public String toString() {
        return name+", id:"+id+", discount "+discount+"%";


    public boolean equals(Object other) {

        if (other instanceof Customer) {

            //do casting
            other = (Customer) other;

            return (((Customer) other).id == id) && (((Customer) other).discount == discount) && (((Customer) other).name.equals(name));

        } else {

            return false;



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