
In: Nursing

1) Why do southern states have a higher percentage of people living in poverty? 2) No...

1) Why do southern states have a higher percentage of people living in poverty?

2) No matter the age group why are more females living in poverty?

3). Discuss one issue from the video that was new information to you or that had an impact on how you feel about poverty in America Maternal Health and When the Bou


Expert Solution


Poverty is the lack of or inability to afford the basic human needs. The needs include nutrition, shelter, clean water, health care, clothing , education among others.

Compared to worldwide averages, Latin america is among the poorest of poor. Most of its population lives in absolute poverty. Upto 70% of the population in south america lives in cities.

In latin america, poverty is a structural problem. It began in the days of colonialism who owned large amounts of land.

In 1930s, the elite gained political and economic power. They possessed great wealth but were not concerned with the inequitable distribution of property. This has led to a huge differences between the minorities who owns everything and the majority who owns only there labor and lives.


The main cause of poverty is unequal distribution of wealth.

In rural areas, the peasants are amongst the poorest people.

Other causes aof poverty are internal conflicts, migration, higher fertility and structural adjustments.

Colonialism also contributed to south america's poverty.

Though south america has vast natural resources, it is still home to the world's poorest people.

Injustice and inequality has largely contributed to the gnawing poverty.

Politics have also resulted rise of poverty levels.

Diversion of resources from domestic needs to western markets fueled by international political interest is common

This leads to lack of basic needs like water, food, healthcare, education and other important social amenities

The policies of international bodies like IMF and the World bank has resulted to debt hence poverty

2. 14.0 % of woman and 11.3 % of men were below the poverty threshold.

Women's economic security is directly linked to their family income, which includes not only earnings from jobs and any other family members but also income from other sources, such as investments, retirement funds, social security and government benefits.

Many women in the united states enjoy comfortable family income, but others struggle to make ends meet.

The effects of sexism and racism on institutional structures and cross society limit the employment oppurtunities available to women, availability of caregiving supports, access to public social assistance programs, and more leading to higher rates of poverty among women, particularly woman of color, compared with men.

Women are at greater risk of poverty because they have relatively limited material assets and also more limited social assets( access to income, goods and services through social connections) and cultural assets( formal education and cultural knowledge)

Feminization of poverty refers to atrend of increasing inequality in living standards between men and women due to the widening gap in poverty between and men as noticed toward the end of the twentieth century

This phenomenon is not only a consequence of lack of income, but is also the result of the derprivation of capabilities and gender biases present in both societies and governments.

It covers the poverty of choices and opportunities such as the ability to lead a long, healthy and creaive life and enjoying basic rights like freedom, respect and dignity

The term feminization of pocerty has been defined in many different ways focusing on inocme, assets, time, health deprivations and social and cultural exclusions.

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