factors influence fertility rate are.
- Biological factors biological factors like age
sex and health affect the fertility rate.
- Physiological factor the fecundity period in
the women influence the fertility of the women. such as early
marriage can result in sterility Up to sexual maturity , or some
people may not will to make child throughout their live
- Educational factors it is seen that if people
are more educated they tend to have less no of child and vice versa
hence it influences the fertility rate.
- Social factors like cast ,family system, race
, religion etc also affect the fertility rate .
- Family planning adopted by government by
various countries all over the world influence the rate of
- Economic factors also influence the rate of
fertility , people decide to make child depending on their economic
The fertility rate is highest in Somalia and
lowest in Taiwan.
fertility patterns are important to study ,and predict
the population growth to control population
fertility pattern influences the health of population in
tat area
it helps in population control