In the product shipment process, what step does the temptation for bribery come in? a. Custom...

In the product shipment process, what step does the temptation for bribery come in?


Custom free depot storage






Presenting the bill of lading

What is true about international trade fairs?


They don’t provide widespread interactions or exposure


They are high cost


They are an efficient way to meet a large number of potential partners


They are not a popular means of sales promotion

Which criteria for market segmentation has become increasingly important as globalization progresses, helping Bollywood Films and Televelas become hugely successful?









Countries with political instability are usually ruled out in which stage of the country selection process?


Stage 3


Stage 4


Stage 1


Stage 2

What is a method to correct the drawbacks of focus groups?


Moderators should be professionals who can identify with the subjects


All of these


Selecting leading markets for the product(s)


The amount paid should be enough to be an incentive, but not too much as to invite praise

In: Economics

Several researchers have found evidence of sheepskin effects, in which the labor market return to twelfth...

Several researchers have found evidence of sheepskin effects, in which the labor market return to twelfth grade is higher than the return to eleventh grade and the return to the fourth year of college is higher than the return to the third year of college. Why does this evidence of sheepskin effects bolster the screening explanation for the relationship between education and earnings?

In: Economics

2. The marketer must always be conscious of its environment. As a consultant to a toy...

2. The marketer must always be conscious of its environment. As a consultant to a toy manufacturing firm, discuss any five (5) macro environmental factors and show how they could influence the operations of the business.

In: Economics

1. Why do people hold money? What are the tools of monetary policy and how can...

1. Why do people hold money?

What are the tools of monetary policy and how can the Federal Reserve apply these in a recessionary environment?

In: Economics

As a business consultant, how would you explain to your client what determines the economic rent...

As a business consultant, how would you explain to your client what determines the economic rent for land?

In: Economics

State and federal governments actively support education at the primary, secondary, and collegiate levels. But they...

State and federal governments actively support education at the primary, secondary, and collegiate levels. But they mandate education at the primary and secondary levels, while merely providing subsidies and loan guarantees at the collegiate level. Of the key rationales for public provision of education described in Section 11.1 of the text, which do you think underpins this differential treatment?

In: Economics

Consider a country's production possibility frontier with machinery (capital goods) on one axis and consumer goods...

  1. Consider a country's production possibility frontier with machinery (capital goods) on one axis and consumer goods on the other axis. Tell me a story about how the rate at which the PPF shifts outward over time might be related to the current position on the PPF. Also relate that choice (about the current position on the PPF) to choices about savings and consumption.

In: Economics

GDP is often used as a measure of well-being. Is it a reasonable measure of well-being?...

GDP is often used as a measure of well-being. Is it a reasonable measure of well-being? If so, why does Norway with its high standard of living have a relatively low GDP? Why do India and China, with their relatively low standards of living have some of the highest GDP in the world?

In: Economics

CASE # 2 (China Company) What could be more self-explanatory about corporate values than naming your...

CASE # 2 (China Company)
What could be more self-explanatory about corporate values than naming your business “China Company?” Zhong and Wang are Chinese characters for loyalty, dedication, and prosperity. It certainly worked out for the Liaoning Province–based Chinese aluminum developer and manufacturer.
Founded in 1993, it had total assets of US$3.9 billion. In 2014, the company’s revenue was around 16 billion RMB ($2.5 billion). The company is the largest producer of extruded aluminum in Asia and the second largest in the world, with its product being used in many industries—from rail carriages to power plants. From the outset the business sought to be sustainable, prosperous, and contribute to society.
The aluminum industry is highly competitive, and China Company is not only interested in value creation, but also in encouraging its customers to expand their businesses. The company is looking to expand their operations in Europe and the U.S., with Lu Changqing, the executive director and vice president saying, “We’re actively seeking cooperation in Europe and the U.S., including potential acquisitions.”
Employee contribution and a commitment to excellence have been key to the company’s success. Certain elements— like responsible corporate citizenship and operation management with integrity—are built into corporate values. The trick was transforming a corporate slogan into a corporate reality. In 2012 the Chinese government certified China Company as a “State Accredited Enterprise Technology Centre.
China Company was recognized not only for its technology, leadership, and strategy, but also for the fact that its management practices were inspirational to other companies in China. Li Beibei, the director of public affairs of China Company, believed the award showed that the company’s

achievements went beyond its production and technology. It was recognized for its innovative business culture, management practices, and broad vision.
The company’s single principal shareholder, Liu Zhongtian—a self-made billionaire, who according to Forbes had a net worth of US$3.2 billion as of May 2015—said the company’s rapid growth has been a result of “perseverance and determination.”
As a result of its long-held desire for the business to become a world-class international producer, the company has initiated a shift toward high-end, high-value-added products. The business has expanded not only by increasing its production capabilities, but also through horizontal expansion. This expansion has allowed it greater dominance in the domestic Chinese market, as well as the export market.
China Company’s core values are fivefold. First, it tries to add value and grow alongside its customers; second, it develops its own talent, particularly in relation to innovation, teamwork, and pursuit of excellence. Third, China Company wants to create sustainable earnings growth and reward investors and shareholders. The fourth core value is to be a responsible corporate citizen and to do business with integrity, which includes supporting charities and community events. Finally, it is to establish a business that is trusted by customers and to retain and develop key employees to push the business forward into the future. The company also professes a “customers first” philosophy. Employee training focuses on responding to customer requirements and changing market needs in order to achieve high levels of customer satisfaction.
The aluminum business had to position itself carefully, responding to the demands of the external environment. Rather than react to environmental issues, organizations like China Company have taken immediate steps to cut down on energy use and reduce waste. Globally, the industry can boast that aluminum is the most commonly recycled metal in the world. Clearly, this approach permeates enterprises such as China Company as part of its overall commitment to social responsibility.
China Company is committed to the lifelong learning and career development of the employees, helping each person to effectively combine their talent development goals with corporate development. The company conducted operational and theoretical skill training for specialized operational personnel; they also worked with local government bodies to offer Pre-appointment Bridge-up Training,” a training program for laid-off workers to help develop their professional skills and operation capabilities. Training programs were organized with a total participation of 27,470 individuals, with all staff members having enrolled. To acknowledge the achievements of the employees, China Company awarded titles of “May Day” medal and “Workers’ Vanguard” for excellent performance.
As a member of the Hong Kong Stock Exchange, China Company continues to have great access to potential investment. The company is ranked first among the major Chinese aluminum companies and continues to expand. In retaining its core values of commitment, diligence, responsibility, and innovation, the business has become a major developer and manufacturer of high-quality aluminum products in the world, and at the same time reflects thoughtful response to demands from the external environment.

Case # 2- Discussion Questions
1. What are China Company’s corporate values? How do you think these values influence the way employees do their work?
2. Using the company’s corporate values, describe the organizational culture. In which areas would you say that the company’s culture is very high (or typical)? Explain.
3. How is China Company’s corporate culture maintained?
4. “The right culture with the right values will always produce the best organizational
performance.” What do you think of this statement? Do you agree? Why or why not?

In: Economics

For millions of years our human ancestors were mobile foragers (hunter and gathers). There were no...

For millions of years our human ancestors were mobile foragers (hunter and gathers). There were no governments (states). About 13,000 years ago some people began settling down becoming sedentary and engaging in early forms of agriculture. Three of the earliest settlements were along the Nile river in Egypt, the Euphrates river in the Middle East, and the Indus river in India. River valleys such as these are often very fertile for agriculture because of flooding and the possibility of irrigation.

Assume that these were simple economies with a fixed number of people and two goods, food and leisure, food was produced using an agricultural technology which employed labour and the land and water of the river valley to grow the food. Also imagine that each farmer had enough land to grow enough food, some living along the riverfront and others living inland.

Would you expect completely decentralized competitive private market behaviour in this economy to lead to a Pareto efficient outcome? Fully explain your answer in terms of what you have learned in the course. Most of your marks will be for your explanation.

Based on the economy described in and your conclusions from the question above on early agricultural communities, explain how you would expect this society to develop. Explain your answer fully.

In: Economics

Explain the difference between neo-classical trade theory (Heckscher-Ohlin) and new trade theories.

Explain the difference between neo-classical trade theory (Heckscher-Ohlin) and new trade theories.

In: Economics

imagine thay you have invested $1 million in a McDonalds franchise restaurant. The investment includes expenses...

imagine thay you have invested $1 million in a McDonalds franchise restaurant. The investment includes expenses for land, buildings, and franchise fees.

Discuss the explicit costs and implicit costs of this franchise operation.

Predict how the output of your franchise will change as you hire more labor.

Discuss how you would respond to the higher labor costs when the minimum wage has raised your franchise's labor costs.

In: Economics

a) Who comprises the federal Open market Committee and what role does this group serve in...

a) Who comprises the federal Open market Committee and what role does this group serve in the economy?

b) What are the three primary tools the Federal reserve has to work within conducting Monetary policy and how does the use of these tools cause expansion and contraction in the size of the money supply?

In: Economics

a) Identify and explain the three functions of Money. b) What comprises the M1 definition of...

a) Identify and explain the three functions of Money.

b) What comprises the M1 definition of money?

In: Economics

If the Federal Open Market Committee were seeking to stimulate the economy, describe the actions they...

If the Federal Open Market Committee were seeking to stimulate the economy, describe the actions they would take to seek to accomplish this.

What impact will these noted actions have on the interest rates prevailing in the economy for new loans?

In: Economics