How did information asymmetries in the home mortgage market contribute to the financial crisis of 2007-2009?'

How did information asymmetries in the home mortgage market contribute to the financial crisis of 2007-2009?'

In: Economics

What were the positive effects of the 1988 Basel Accord? What were its shortcomings?

What were the positive effects of the 1988 Basel Accord? What were its shortcomings?

In: Economics

How did information asymmetries in the home mortgage market contribute to the financial crisis of 2007-2009?

How did information asymmetries in the home mortgage market contribute to the financial crisis of 2007-2009?

In: Economics

Please answer 3 (or all) of the 5 questions below the background information: THIS IS ALL...

Please answer 3 (or all) of the 5 questions below the background information: THIS IS ALL THE INFORMATION AVAILABLE

Background: Some years back policy makers in the Kingdom of Bahrain were faced with rising inflation caused by the fall in the value of the US dollar relative to other currencies. The Kingdom’s currency unit, the Bahraini dinar (BD), is pegged to the dollar, so when the dollar goes down in value the BD goes down as well. A weaker dollar/dinar means that anything and everything Bahrainis buy from overseas cost them more dinars. The dramatic fall in the dollar/dinar essentially made all Bahrainis poorer in terms of what their money would buy. To soften the effect of the peg the government agreed at the time to give each low-income Bahraini household (but not non-Bahraini residents, who represent 52.7% of the Kingdom’s population and 70%-plus of its workforce) BD50 (equal to $133) monthly to make it easier to buy what food and other necessities. We can’t forget, however, that inflation can be caused by putting too much money into the economy and that a rise in the general price of necessities can hurt consumers, especially those with low incomes. The fall in the currency could be compounded with price increases due to the injection of more money.

Given this background, your task is to provide an outline of your plan to determine whether or not this policy makes sense.

1. Behavior matters. What role, if any, will marginalism and incentives play in the questions you ask and the inferences you make in determining whether or not a policy makes sense? For example, what do you assume regarding the economic behavior of those receiving the money? Why might these assumptions matter?

2. Should we address the effects over different timeframes? If so, why does time matter if the problem is likely short lived?

3. What importance, if any, should you apply to the policy stipulation that different groups are treated differently? In short, do non-citizens matter, and if so, why?

4. What questions would you ask of those who drafted the policy for the government, and why?

5. What data might you need to gather, in general, to analyze the proposed policy?

In: Economics

In the market for Iphones the equilibrium price for Iphones is $400, and the quantity of...

In the market for Iphones the equilibrium price for Iphones is $400, and the quantity of Iphones sold is 20,000.

(f) The Processor used to make Iphones becomes considerably cheaper and innovation raises the incomes of the population. Show the relevant shifts in your diagram

(g) Suppose the government implements a price ceiling of $300. What happens to the market?

(h) Suppose the government implements a price ceiling of $500. What happens to the market?

(i) Suppose the government implements a price floor of $300. What happens to the market?

(j) Suppose the government implements a price floor of $500. What happens to the market

In: Economics

express your current opinions about one part of the topic of "Economic Justice".   Simply offer your...

express your current opinions about one part of the topic of "Economic Justice".   Simply offer your opinion and provide a reason.  

The government uses our tax money to provide various kinds of benefits for citizens like you and me; there are too many to list. Currently, our tax laws are such that wealthier Americans pay more in taxes- as a percentage of their income- than poorer people do. For example, a person who earns $1,000,000 in a year might pay a 20% income tax ($200,000) and a person who earns $45,000 per year might pay a 0 - 5% income tax (0 - $2,250).

Does this seem "fair" or "just" to you? Yes or no?

First, you will need to explain what you mean by the word "fair" or "just" here. Pick which of the two you want to define.

Second, please provide one reason that you think this situation is or is not fair or just (by your understanding of the word).

In: Economics

Describe what gross domestic product is and how it is measured. There are several transactions that...

  1. Describe what gross domestic product is and how it is measured. There are several transactions that are excluded from measuring GDP such as financial transactions, second-hand goods, etc.
  2. Explain what these excluded transactions are and why they are excluded.
  3. Select one of these excluded transactions and give your thoughts on how GDP would currently change if that item were included.

In: Economics

Explain why people demand for money and how demand for money would have been influenced by...

  1. Explain why people demand for money and how demand for money would have been influenced by Covid-19 epidemic?

In: Economics

Since many people browse for products in a store, but then purchase them online, firms are...

Since many people browse for products in a store, but then purchase them online, firms are less likely to hire knowledgeable sales staff. This is due to _________.

  1. The free-rider problem

  2. Tragedy of the commons

  3. Moral hazard

  4. Compensating wage differential

In: Economics

Create a real or hypothetical question that could be addressed with positive analysis regarding a microeconomics...

Create a real or hypothetical question that could be addressed with positive analysis regarding a microeconomics issue that affects your household or your firm.

An example of a microeconomics question that could be addressed with positive analysis is:

“How would an increase in the Federal minimum wage to $12/hour increase impact the cost of childcare in the US?” An interesting follow-up question would be: “How will an increase in minimum wages affect decisions by working parents to use childcare services?” Microeconomics applies to these topics because they are concerned with actions of individual households and businesses and prices in individual markets (labor and childcare labor). These questions are not seeking an opinion, but rather seek to understand the potential consequences of an increase in wages for childcare workers.

In: Economics

From the Portfolio Choice Theory: Consider an economy that is undergoing a recession. Using and drawing...

From the Portfolio Choice Theory: Consider an economy that is undergoing a recession. Using and drawing the demand and supply of bonds, show and explain what happens.

In: Economics

1. Consider two companies A and B sharing a market by producing identical goods (or highly...

1. Consider two companies A and B sharing a market by producing identical goods (or highly substitutable goods). Company A’s marginal cost is MC=20 and company B’s marginal cost is MC=10. Market demand is known to be P=100-0.001Q.

  1. Find profit maximizing level of QA and QB under oligopoly setting.
  2. Determine the market price.
  3. Determine the revenue of company A and B.
  4. Determine the profit of company A and B.
  5. Find collusive level of profit maximizing output for A and B (Under collusion A and B share the same MC=10 and share the market equally).
  6. Using a simple game theory method, show that the collusive outcome is not sustainable. Be sure to construct a 2x2 matrix with correct payoffs.

In: Economics

This ad ran in 1947 by the diamond company De Beers. However, there is no mention...

This ad ran in 1947 by the diamond company De Beers. However, there is no mention of De Beers in the ad, only of diamonds. The ad is meant to increase demand for the entire diamond industry, rather than specifically increasing demand for De Beers diamonds. Why would De Beers run an advertising campaign that doesn’t even mention its name?

In: Economics

Explain the economics of: i) how and why the equilibrium Canadian interest rate (R$) changes in...

Explain the economics of: i) how and why the equilibrium Canadian interest rate (R$) changes in response to the change in monetary policy adopted by the Bank of Canada; and ii) how and why that change in interest rate brings the Canadian money market (shown in the bottom panel) back into equilibrium.                             

In: Economics

Discuss how Change and complexity in the external environment have major implications for organization design and...

Discuss how Change and complexity in the external environment have major implications for organization design and management action? Provide relevant examples.

In: Economics