In five hundred words: Explain the oligopoly problem , collusion strategy , Cartel with Examples and...

In five hundred words:

Explain the oligopoly problem , collusion strategy , Cartel with Examples and the conditions on how can they earn higher profits.

In: Economics

Do any types of security actions regarding employee theft infringe on an employee's right to privacy?

Do any types of security actions regarding employee theft infringe on an employee's right to privacy?

In: Economics

why Google refuse to comply with CJEU?

why Google refuse to comply with CJEU?

In: Economics

What is CJEU and what for? why Google refuse to comply with CJEU? If CJEU be...

  1. What is CJEU and what for?
  2. why Google refuse to comply with CJEU?
  3. If CJEU be applied all over how it affects online business?

In: Economics

Write an essay to draw a boundary between recruitment and selection process. Describe how the recruitment...

Write an essay to draw a boundary between recruitment and selection process. Describe how the recruitment process is important to have a successful selection of the right employees?

In: Economics

In a perfectly competitive industry, each firm has a total cost function of TC = 400...

In a perfectly competitive industry, each firm has a total cost function of TC = 400 + 10q + q2 and a marginal cost curve of MC = 10 + 2q if it produces a positive quantity of output q. If a firm produces zero output it has no costs. The market price is $50. Which statement is true?]

a. Each firm produces 20 units of output; the industry will require entry to reach its long-run equilibrium.

b. Each firm is producing 25 units; as the firm is making short-run profits, the industry is not at its long-run equilibrium.

c. Each firm is producing 25 units; the firm is covering its variable costs, but making a short run loss.

d. Each firm is producing 20 units; the firm will continue producing in the short run, but will consider exiting in the long run as it is not covering its total costs of production.

e. Each firm produces 20 units of output; the market is in its long-run equilibrium.

In: Economics

At a compound interest of 5% per year, the amount that $10,000 one year ago is...

At a compound interest of 5% per year, the amount that $10,000 one year ago is equivalent to now is closest to: Group of answer choices less than $8,000 between $8,000-9,000 between $9,000-10,000 greater than 10,000 None of the answers is correct

In: Economics

The labour force participation rate is Select one: the percentage of the working-age population who are...

The labour force participation rate is

Select one:

the percentage of the working-age population who are employed

the percentage of the labour force who are unemployed or employed

the percentage of the working-age population who are either unemployed or employed

the percentage of the labour force who are employed

equal to the employment rate plus the unemployment rate

Question 2


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

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Which one of the following people is structurally unemployed?

Select one:

a Saskatchewan welder who lost her job when her company relocated to B. C. and is currently looking for a job

a Nova Scotia fishery worker who is searching for a better job closer to home

a steel worker who is laid off but who expects to be called back soon

an office worker who has lost her job because of a general slowdown in economic activity

a student who recently graduated and is looking for work

Question 3


Mark 2.00 out of 2.00

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Question text

If the people who take early retirement are not counted in the working-age population, then

Select one:

the unemployment rate would be lower

the labour force participation rate would be less

the unemployment rate would be higher

the labour force participation rate would be higher

the number of discouraged searchers would decrease

Question 4


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

People become unemployed when they

Select one:


are on maternity leave

quit working to go to university

leave college and start seeking work

become discouraged searchers

Question 5


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

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If the economy is at full employment, then

Select one:

the entire population is employed

the entire labour force is employed

the only unemployment is frictional unemployment plus discouraged searchers

the unemployment rate is less than 3 percent

all unemployment arises from normal frictions and structural change

Question 6


Mark 0.00 out of 3.00

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Question text

If the economy is at full employment,

Select one:

the entire population is employed

the entire labour force is employed

the only unemployment is frictional unemployment plus discouraged searchers

real GDP equals potential GDP

all unemployment is cyclical and structural

Question 7


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

In a recession, typically

Select one:

unemployment decreases

the labour force participation rate increases

the employment rate decreases

the employment rate increases.

the labour force participation rate does not change.

Question 8


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Question text

In a country with a working-age population of 20 million, 14 million are employed, 1.5 million are unemployed, and 1 million of the employed are working part-time, half of whom wish to work full-time. The size of the labour force is

Select one:

20 million

15.5 million.

14.5 million

14 million

12.5 million

Question 9


Mark 0.00 out of 2.00

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Question text

In a country with a working-age population of 30 million, 20 million are employed, 2 million are unemployed, and 2 million of the employed are working part-time, half of whom wish to work full-time. The unemployment rate is

Select one:

10 percent

9.1 percent

13.6 percent

18.2 percent

2 percent

Question 10


Mark 0.00 out of 1.00

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Question text

Which one of the following people would be counted as unemployed in Canada?

Select one:

Veena is not working, but she is looking for a full-time job.

Kathy has stopped looking for work since she was unable to find a suitable job during a one-month search.

Sharon is a university student with a job.

Christos was laid off from his job a month ago and has not been looking for a new job, as he is waiting for a severance package from his former employer.

Benoit was laid off when his firm closed down two months ago and has not been looking for work, as he is going back to school.

In: Economics

Is economic growth the cause of global income per capita inequality? Explain this by referring to...

Is economic growth the cause of global income per capita inequality? Explain this by referring to the East Asian Miracle countries as example.

In: Economics

Why do returns to specific factors change by more than returns to mobile factors when international...

Why do returns to specific factors change by more than returns to mobile factors when international trade changes relative prices?

In: Economics

1,Ceteris paribus, which countries would you expect to rely MORE on foreign trade as a percentage...

1,Ceteris paribus, which countries would you expect to rely MORE on foreign trade as a percentage of their economic activity?

A larger countries, like the US.

B smaller countries, like Sweden

2. An economy’s net exports always equals (choose one or both)

A the difference between its saving and its investment

B its trade balance

3. An economy’s trade balance always equals (choose one or both)

A net capital outflow

B net foreign investment

In: Economics

The United States has acted to restrict imports of certain Chinese goods, such as toys containing...

The United States has acted to restrict imports of certain Chinese goods, such as toys containing lead and seafood that doesn’t meet US health standards, in order to protect U.S. consumers. Some people have said this shows a double standard: If we are willing to restrict goods on these grounds, why shouldn’t we restrict imports of goods that produced with badly paid labor in Bangladesh, Laos, Vietnam and Haiti, just to name a few of such places. Evaluate why is or is not this argument valid? Provide political economy rationale for such a policy.

In: Economics

Research Project including Research Methods. What is the importance of referencing system while recording data?

Research Project including Research Methods.

What is the importance of referencing system while recording data?

In: Economics

It is argued that import substitution is a misguided trade policy if the intent is to...

It is argued that import substitution is a misguided trade policy if the intent is to promote long-term economic growth. Explain the reasons underlying this argument and discuss this assertion using the following framework: Y↑ = C + I + G + (EXPORTS - ↓IMPORTS)

In: Economics

The U.S. is probably the most open international market among the industrialized countries. What then does...

The U.S. is probably the most open international market among the industrialized countries. What then does the U.S. have to gain by joining the WTO? Evaluate the specific functions of the WTO and relate these to the question at hand.

In: Economics