Discuss two cases of externalities, one positive and one negative, that affects you directly. This could...

Discuss two cases of externalities, one positive and one negative, that affects you directly. This could be something as simple as a neighbor driving a noisy and heavy polluting truck, or the city planting new trees along a road which are pleasant to look at and also help remove carbon from the atmosphere etc.

  • What are the economic outcomes associated with each externality, in terms of how it effects consumer and/or producer surplus?
  • What is the socially optimal quantity relative to the open-market outcome?
  • Could the Coase Theorem work to generate efficiency (i.e. is there low bargaining/transaction costs and clearly defined property rights) or might the market failure be best addressed by some regulatory authority?
  • How might regulation incentivize those generating the externality to internalize their external effect and move society closer to the socially optimal quantity?
  • In your response to another student's post, offer an alternative solution or insights you have from personal experience with a similar externality.

1-3 paragraphs

In: Economics

1. Which one of the five generic competitive strategies best characterizes your Netflix's strategic approach to...

1. Which one of the five generic competitive strategies best characterizes your Netflix's strategic approach to competing successfully? Use the following companies to answers the remaining questions: Apple Bank of America Walmart Microsoft 2. Which company appears to be employing a broad low-cost strategy? 3. Which company appears to be employing a broad differentiation strategy? 4. Which company appears to be employing a best-cost strategy?

In: Economics

Urbanization is Asia is becoming more widespread because of the growing population. For example, it is...

Urbanization is Asia is becoming more widespread because of the growing population. For example, it is said that nearly a billion people in China will move from rural areas to urban areas in the next 50 years. How will this affect Chinese cities? Will they benefit or feel a negative impact?

In: Economics

ii. Balance of payments account is a summary statement of a nation’s financial transactions with the...

ii. Balance of payments account is a summary statement of a nation’s financial transactions with the outside world. Explicate each account as well as each individual components of those accounts? Pakistan is running a BOP deficit express in words what are the main factors contributing towards a BOP deficit and how do you think that we can eradicate such a problem.

In: Economics

Dairyworld is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saputo based in Montreal and they produce all kinds...

Dairyworld is a wholly owned subsidiary of Saputo based in Montreal and they produce all kinds of milk products, in particular, fresh dairy milk. Saputo now wants to explore the Asian market and has targeted the Philippines as a prime location for their first expansion into Asia. The Board of Saputo has given the green light for Senior Management to pursue aggressively more international markets particularly with the growing population and the economic growth in Asia.

1. If Saputo wishes to explore the entry into the Philippines via Foreign Direct Investment (FDI), which particular option of market entry should they use and why?

2. With the market entry option that you have selected in question 1, who would be the most appropriate partner for them to explore and give at least 3 solid reasons why this partner should be chosen (e.g. characteristics of partner).

3. If Saputo is interested in another country like Malaysia, name at least 3 advantages why Malaysia would be better than Australia?

4. How would you suggest Saputo finance this market entry and please support your argument.

In: Economics

How has the automobile changed the United States landscape? Has it been beneficial to our country...

How has the automobile changed the United States landscape? Has it been beneficial to our country or harmful?

In: Economics

Illustrate how unemployment is measured. In your discussion, define the labor force and what portion(s) of...

  1. Illustrate how unemployment is measured. In your discussion, define the labor force and what portion(s) of society are not included as part of the labor force.

In: Economics

1. Describe the long-term balance of the monopolistic competitive market

1. Describe the long-term balance of the monopolistic competitive market

In: Economics

Suppose a firm’s ATC is at its lowest value when the firm produces 12,000 units of...

Suppose a firm’s ATC is at its lowest value when the firm produces 12,000 units of output. If the firm operates in a typical monopolistic competitive market, then this firm will likely produce 12,000 units of output in the long run. If this firm operates in a typical perfectly competitive market, then the firm will likely produce more than 12,000 units of output in the long run.

true or False

The efficient scale for any firm is the level of output at which the average-total-cost curve is tangent to the demand curve.

True or False

Question text

In the long run, when a firm's demand curve is tangent to its average total cost curve, the firm could be a monopolistic competitor but not a perfect competitor.

True or False

When a profit-maximizing firm in a monopolistic competitive market is in long-run equilibrium, the firm operates at excess capacity since an increase in production would reduce average total cost.

True or false

In: Economics

Air travelers are sometime annoyed to find that the price of a ticket for a short...

  1. Air travelers are sometime annoyed to find that the price of a ticket for a short flight may exceed the price for a long flight. For example, a round-trip ticket from Chicago to Washington Seattle on the airline recently cost $235, compared with the same airline’s price of $278 from Chicago to Moline, which is just less than half an-hour flight, about 160 miles. Travelers complain that such prices represent unfair discrimination against the residents of a medium sized cities such as Moline or Davenport, Iowa. They say that airlines should charge prices that are proportional to the distance flown. The airlines answer that they can serve major city pairs, such as Chicago, Seattle, at a lower cost (with larger planes and fewer empty seats) than less frequently traveled city pairs, such as Chicago – Moline. Do you see the airlines pricing policy in this example as true price discrimination? Discuss the merits of the current price structure and proposed alternative in terms of fairness and efficiency.

In: Economics

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is the central bank of the United States with the power...

The Federal Reserve (the Fed) is the central bank of the United States with the power to create money. When the Fed decides to increase the money supply by creating more money, how do they go about doing this? What role do banks play in this process? Where does the money come from to pay for all their purchases?

In: Economics

Assume an oligopolistic market with one large dominant firm. The dominant firm's marginal cost is given...

Assume an oligopolistic market with one large dominant firm. The dominant firm's marginal cost is given by the following equation:

MC = 0.46 Q

The market demand is the following: QD = - 13 P + 261

The supply of the smaller firms combines is given by the following equation:

QS = 24 P + 168

What would be the combined production of the small firms?

In: Economics

Pricing a cup of coffee can be a challenge. Luke’s currently serves a basic blend of...

Pricing a cup of coffee can be a challenge. Luke’s currently serves a basic blend of coffee that costs $10/lb. Currently about 75% of the transactions at Luke’s include a coffee. The current selling price of a cup of coffee is $2.00 for a 6oz up. Each lb. of coffee produces 48 cups at this size. Please show your work.
1. What is the cost per cup of coffee? (4pts)

2. What is the Markup % for a cup of coffee based on retail? And based on Cost? (2 pts)

3. Based on the markup% at retail, would you classify coffee as an elastic of inelastic good? (1 pt)

4. How many cups of coffee does Luke’s sell per month? (3 bonus pts)
-by number of cups?
- by sales volume?
- by number of lbs. of coffee?

5. If Luke’s switches to a premium coffee to remain competitive. The premium coffee costs $15/lb., and sells an 12oz coffee for $3.50 per cup, what is the cost per cup of coffee? (3 pts)

statastics question may be

In: Economics

What economic forces and political events coalesced to shape California into the demographically diverse and “opportunity-focused”...

What economic forces and political events coalesced to shape California into the demographically diverse and “opportunity-focused” place it became (and remains)?

Explain 8 or more sentences.

In: Economics

Assuming an increase in demand for export goods, explain the change in demand curve and labor...

Assuming an increase in demand for export goods, explain the change in demand curve and labor supply, if any.

In: Economics